Speak up and speak out
you never know who is listening!
This post, my respect and love is offered to all of the women whom I have met in recovery, who work in recovery and who continue to rise above, make change and afford change to the people they devote their passion to.
Women have often taken the back seat or were not allowed the recognition they earned because of their gender. It was Eleanor Roosevelt who said, "well behaved women seldom make history".
The quiet unsung heroes of our gender should receive the exact same level of acknowledgement as the Roosevelts; however, knowing the difference they made in their own corner of the world without the need for recognition is enough for them and powerful in its own right.
The message for today is in gratitude for the women who stood up boldly, refused to take the back seat, were criticized ridiculed and called 'bitch' or some other derogatory term for standing up for what they believed in.
Many women leaders in the world are leaders because they rose above. They rose above their status, their demographic, religion, their race, location, size, shape and/or their abuser.
I have met many women in my life through work, volunteering and social settings. What I know for certain is being a powerful woman poses a challenge to weak minded people who feel threatened by their driving force.
Those who face addiction would be considered by many to be, not very well behaved. The women I meet in recovery and of course my Hillary made choices as we all do at times that were not right. Not right for them; damaging to their mind, body and spirit in many ways.
In recovery, they ROSE, they rose above what they BELIEVED they were, what they believed their worth was and continue to rise making a difference in the lives of others in ways they would not have been able to had they not experienced the life they had. The choices they made helped them to become more compassionate, more understanding, with the ability to relate to those who are learning how to rise within their own journey. Misbehaving ultimately gave them the ability to give back in the ways they weren't before addiction.
I know and believe from the depths of my soul that when we rise above what threatens to hold us down, stand up for what we believe in and do not keep our mouths shut, we change lives which makes it possible to rise by lifting others.
I see Spirit at work in my life every moment of every day. I am not quiet, I have strong opinions and for some that would mean I am not so well behaved. I have also been known to break rules for the sake of what I believe in. I learned these traits from powerful women who refused to be restricted when standing up for what they believed in.
When you believe in someone or an idea, speak up and stand up for them it will effect all humankind. You have value, it does not matter if someone else sees it. For all of the women who may read this and say 'I don't have the power to change who I am', you don't need to. You are perfect the way you are and when you make the choice to see yourself as the gift to the world you are, you will stop doing what does not serve your greatness and start to use your power to see your own potential and to help others by your example.
I have had the privilege and honor to know many who have faced addiction or have loved someone who faces it and I have learned incredibly valuable lessons that I would not have learned otherwise. Speak up, tell your story with pride; you never know who may be listening.
I have had the privilege and honor to know many who have faced addiction or have loved someone who faces it and I have learned incredibly valuable lessons that I would not have learned otherwise. Speak up, tell your story with pride; you never know who may be listening.
Making a difference in the lives of others is what makes herstory!
May God that divinely loves us all
continue to bless your work
in all places and in all ways
today and for all time!