Thursday, April 20, 2017

Joey Gingerella

I did not know Joey personally, although I wish I had.
Please check out this link
and learn about a brave man and his brave family.

When I learned of Joey's story
I was truly inspired.

in two words means
In Spirit.

This man found his spirit and
made the choice to make a difference
in the lives of others.
Ultimately losing this life
helping someone else.

These stones were created in his honor

When it is my time to leave this life,
I will be looking for Joey
so I can shake his hand and say thank you.

May we all be inspired
by Joey.

Peace, k

Friday, April 14, 2017

look closely, what do you see in the light?

What do you see in the center of the light?

And then God said,
"let there be light":
and the light was good!

Traveling "light",
leave the extra "baggage" behind,
only carry what will serve you well.

If it weren't for the darkness
one would not be able to fully
appreciate the light.

Shine your light brightly
 to help others to see
through the darkness.

If you want light to be
in your life,
you need to stand
where it shines on you.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
let it shine all the time,
let it shine!

May you always see the light,
have the strength to
stand firmly in the light,
receive the light to warm your soul
and share the light
with the world!
Light and love be with you
forever and for always!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Turn the page

This is the book of your life

The pages at the beginning
have already been written.

You are not your past,
the past is simply what was
written before NOW.
Let it teach you, not define you.

Today is your present
and it is a present.

Get a new pen
and write a new story.

Every moment of everyday
is a new opportunity

Where is your true joy.....
not your instant gratification.


Write a joyful story
and make a joyful noise.
Share the joy
and the joy will multiply.

If you choose to write something
that does not fill your heart with joy,
turn the page and start again.

My God is an awesome God
and gives me the gift of
2nd 3rd 4th 5th..........
chances every second.

My life is mine
and your life is yours.
No one has the right to choose
your future except you.

Choose JOY
and JOY will choose you!

Joy to the world because you are in it!

In peace and love and JOY
for all that you are and all that you will be
when you choose a life filled with joy! k

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Finding a hand in unusual places

Yesterday at the gas station I stepped out my car to see this.
I was having a pretty rough day,
actually it's been a pretty rough
couple of months and I had just been
thinking.....I sure could use a hand!

I guess my message to the universe was
received LITERALLY :)

I smiled, and was grateful for
the moment of joy.

Most times we don't have all
the answers.
Often times we don't have any,
however, sometimes we simply need
to know there is a hand
out there somewhere that can help.

When I first learned of Hillary's addiction
I knew nothing, and there were very
few folks talking about it.

I felt alone

I learned very quickly that I was not,
the more I spoke out and spoke up;
the more I learned that if everyone spoke out
there would be a lot more "hands"
to help.

In the time since then;
the stigma associated with this disease
has diminished.
It is being pulled out of the shadows
and into the light. There are so many more
hands offering help in so many
more ways.

In the light things change,
miracles do happen,
our friends and families get the help
they desperately need
and we are not alone.

This I know for certain;
Our family, which includes all of you
is strong, kind, courageous, loving,
smart, forgiving and powerful.

Please, when you see a hand
reach out for it and
when you don't see a hand
ask the universe for it
and is right there,
just waiting to be found.

All knowing
universal spirit of love,
thank you for all the ways
you have placed helping hands
in the world to share
your messages of hope.
When I am feeling lost,
please help me to find the way
toward your light.
It is there that I will find peace
and the reminder
that I am never alone.
I know you will
provide the support
I need to get through this day,
all the days of this life
and for all eternity.
Your hands are everywhere,
show me the way.

Always and forever with love, k