Thursday, April 20, 2017

Joey Gingerella

I did not know Joey personally, although I wish I had.
Please check out this link
and learn about a brave man and his brave family.

When I learned of Joey's story
I was truly inspired.

in two words means
In Spirit.

This man found his spirit and
made the choice to make a difference
in the lives of others.
Ultimately losing this life
helping someone else.

These stones were created in his honor

When it is my time to leave this life,
I will be looking for Joey
so I can shake his hand and say thank you.

May we all be inspired
by Joey.

Peace, k

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have a Joey Gingerella SOS Stones Of Support.


If the spirit moves you, please consider leaving a message of hope & peace-K