Saturday, October 28, 2017

Can you climb it?

This photo I took while on retreat last spring. What do you see? What appears to be a large hill to climb, in front of a great expanse of water is merely a teeny tiny sand hill.  Look closely at the grains of sand.

Looking from a distance and this perspective it appears to be a real challenge to get beyond it.

In reality when you get up close you are able to see that it is very small hill around the size of my foot.

Believe me when I say, I am fully aware that facing addiction or any other challenge; either yourself, or dealing with the effects on you because of someone struggling with their own mountains is not quite as simple as this. Anything that is broken down into a single grain of sand is so much less of a challenge.

Today, look at every single second that passes as another grain of sand that has passed through the hourglass of life that YOU single-handedly have survived to see another, and then another, and another grain fall, until you are spending more time looking back at all that you have accomplished instead of all that lies ahead.

It is hard to not to make 'mountains out of mole hills' when you are looking from certain perspectives. Try taking a step back and looking at the big picture, often the mountain is not as big as it first appears.

I will leave you today with lyrics from the Sound of Music which if you have the opportunity, listen to it (loudly of course) and be inspired.

Climb every mountain,
search high and low,
follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
ford every stream,
follow every rainbow,
'till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
all the love you can give,
every day of your life
for as long as you live.

-Rogers & Hammerstein
Sound of Music

With peace for the journey,
light for the way,
and strength to climb every mountain

I Love You, K

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