Saturday, March 12, 2016

Prayers for all 🌈

Today I was able to bring 'Stones of Support' to ADRC detox center (Mt Sanai) and The Recovery House (sober house) in Hartford. Both places were a part of Ben's journey.  Although it was hard to walk through those doors, the stones were well received by both places.  There was a young man close to Ben's age who was checking in and seemed surprised to know that he was being thought of in a loving way. I hugged him and told him I would think of him and pray for his recovery every day. Please join me today and send your thoughts of recovery to the universe in the hopes that he will feel the power of your support from afar. Thank you, you too are in my thoughts as you have been from the moment our spirits met. 
In ✌🏼️&πŸ’œ
Woodbury, CT

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If the spirit moves you, please consider leaving a message of hope & peace-K