I am stupid, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I'll never be smart.
I am worthless, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I'll never be worthy.
I am unlovable, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I will never be loved.
I am ugly, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I will never be attractive.
I am weak, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I'll never be strong.
I am a failure, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I will never succeed.
I am broken, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I can't be fixed.
I am a horrible wife, mother, daughter, friend, always have been, always will be it is who I am.
I am a horrible wife, mother, daughter, friend, always have been, always will be it is who I am.
I am an addict, always have been, always will be it is who I am. I will never recover.
See where I am going with this.................................
Take a moment and think about these statements...............................
how you see yourself..........................
how you see yourself..........................
If I missed some terrible thing about you,
go ahead and insert it, you probably already are.
go ahead and insert it, you probably already are.
I become frustrated and sad looking at all those statements of absolute truth :/
Why hang out with bullies when we do such a great job of beating up ourselves?
Now, I'd like you to take a moment and take the name of someone you love and value and replace the 'I am' with their name and say 'you are" to all of the above......................................................
I am certain, just like me, you too, are now frustrated and sad that someone you love is being attacked.
When I am faced with protecting my people (and that includes you) from verbal/emotional/physical abuses I become the strongest person I know, the protective Momma that would go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe from harm.
Listen carefully! YOU ARE the person who is the someone who is loved protectively by someone else. You are loved by the Divine Source of all creation, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are worthy, you are strong, you are not broken, you can succeed, and you are most certainly NOT an addict. Addiction and every one of these traits, can be a part of you from time to time but in no way shape or form are they WHO you are. You are more than one thing at any given time. You are many things, and that is what makes you special. There is only one you and if you are reading this, you are part of the SOS community of folks that refuse to give up on each other.
Beauty is in everything
(soap suds on my window at the car wash)
Listen carefully! YOU ARE the person who is the someone who is loved protectively by someone else. You are loved by the Divine Source of all creation, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are worthy, you are strong, you are not broken, you can succeed, and you are most certainly NOT an addict. Addiction and every one of these traits, can be a part of you from time to time but in no way shape or form are they WHO you are. You are more than one thing at any given time. You are many things, and that is what makes you special. There is only one you and if you are reading this, you are part of the SOS community of folks that refuse to give up on each other.
I have said it before and it bears repeating. WE ARE NOT ALONE, this support system is not about me, it is about us, the collective us that sticks together and lifts each other up when we need it most. We are many people, in many places, and at different times we all need a boost.
Don't ever forget this, and please also know that I may have received the gift of being able to share my beliefs articulately, but in no way does that mean that I have it all together. I believe I write these posts as I need to hear them because God sees me struggling. Today, in the midst of the many challenges I face, I will keep on keeping on or fake it till I make it because I know, although I don't always believe in myself you all still believe in me as I believe in you and for that I am and always will be eternally grateful.
In kindness & love,
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